Con "The Magic Horn" voglio offrire un’eccitante raccolta di Duetti per fare musica divertendosi! In un mix di virtuosismo tecnico e varietà stilistica, ho utilizzato tutta l’ampiezza del registro, tante dinamiche, molteplici colori e anche qualche effetto. Ai cornisti il piacere ora di svelare la “magia” di questo meraviglioso strumento con “The Magic Horn”!


With "The Magic Horn" I'd like to offer horn players an exciting mix of technical virtuosity and stylistic variety, in a collection of duets that are both challenging and fun to play.
Through my experience as a professional horn player, I could explore the astonishing range of registers, dynamics and colors of this wonderful instrument. 
I leave you now with the pleasure of revealing its magic!


The Magic Horn

The magic Horn

Duetti per Corno - Horn Duets

Duration: 24'

Published in 2020 by Editions Bim

9 advanced Duets for 2 Horns:


2. Arioso

3. Waltz

4. Calls

5.Take it easy

6. Appassionato

7. Odds and Evens

8. March

9. Galop

Publisher link





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